In this episode, we answer listener questions that were submitted via email by Dean, Nathan, Lisa, Michael, Chad, Garrett, and Ilene. This was the last batch of listener questions submitted in 2022. We cover a wide range of topics from what to do when you are presented with an unsolicited offer to invest in drilling a well, how to find unclaimed royalties and other interests you might not know about, how to find a company to lease your mineral rights, how to negotiate a lease and determine a reasonable lease bonus amount, how to get started in investing in mineral rights the right way, how to search on for topics on this website, what to do when you get a report from MineralSoft or MineraliQ showing activity close to your wells.
Speaking of MineraliQ, this brings me to the sponsor for this episode:

MineraliQ is a free online platform for mineral owners which will automatically connect to your well data – helping to track all your royalty check payments and portfolio value. Discover what your minerals are worth in real-time, view royalty payments, track income trends, and know the exact location of your properties using their interactive map. Activate your free account today by clicking the link here:
Thanks again to everyone who left a review or who submitted a listener question! If you have a question about your minerals or royalties, you can send it to and who knows we might just answer it on the air!
If this has been helpful, please take a moment and leave us an honest rating & review on Apple Podcasts. This feedback really helps keep us going and helps make sure that we are putting out content that is tailored to your needs.
Listener Q&A
Question #1
Matt, I received this offer today I was wonder if you could take a look at it just out of curiosity? Thank you. [His original email contained an attachment with information on investing in a multi-well drilling program by a very small operator].
Question #2
Hi Matt,
I really appreciate all your info!
My sister and I’s father passed away back in 2015 who owned a small oil company.
We got a letter from oil an gas company wanting to drill a well about six months ago. Since then we reinstated the company discovered we had unclaimed royalty checks with the state of Oklahoma we recently finally unlocked the key to. We hired hired an oil and gas attorney to help us in negotiations and form letters hopefully giving us more check details and title opinions. Quite a few counties across oklahoma and texas and possibly other states.
Question is there a national or state database for royalties or leases owned that might could help us find other companies with money in suspense? Or is truly the best way simply follow the money and hire a land man in each county to review title opinions to ensure what’s paid is correct and or find any more money that companies might possibly owe?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Question #3
Hi , I ‘m not sure if this is something you can help me with but my family owns mineral rights in Grayson county Texas , we inherited from my father in 1987, how do we see if there might be someone interested in leasing this from us.
Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.
Question #4
The podcast is very helpful and educational. I do have a question since you have worked with Enverus. I subscribe with Mineral Soft w/Enverus and I get reports showing activity close to my wells. I would like to know when I need to be concerned if I do not receive a lease request for a division order. See below: What distance from my well would affect my interest? When should I reach out to the operator?
Question #5
Hi Matt,
I just recently found your podcast and website. I’m brand new to mineral investing. My friend has been doing it for about a year now and I’m just now starting. He has been investing in well royalties. He introduced me to I actually purchased my first lot of wells yesterday.
I’m looking for a mentor or consultant to help me navigate this oil and gas space. Is this something you can do, or point me in the right direction? I’m looking to add more to my portfolio, but would like to be more educated. I’ve listened to several of your podcasts already, and plan to listen to as many as possible.
If you’re open to a conversation, I’d love to talk to you at some point. Let me know if that works for you and when.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Question #6
I realize you are not an attorney, but do you offer any services to help review / negotiate lease agreements? If not, I would really love any referrals you can offer for attorneys who are experienced and thorough. I wasn’t happy with the attorney I hired for my previous proposal. (I got a new proposal from a second company)
Question #7
Hi Matt,
Our family has some random minerals in KS that someone wants to lease to shoot seismic. I know you’re familiar with the area, what is a reasonable lease bonus? Thanks!
Question #8
How do I get past podcasts on North Dakota only?
You can search for any key words on my website. I tag each episode with key words and the search feature also will search through the show notes and provide a list of the most relevant episodes based on your search.
Searching the Website on Your Mobile Device:
On a Mobile Device: Scroll down to the bottom where it says What do you want to learn today? and type in what you would like to search for:

Searching the Website On a Computer
Just click on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page and type in what you want to search for:

For example, if you search for ‘North Dakota’, like Ilene here are the most relevant episodes (that mention this or that I tagged with North Dakota). You can do this for any keywords or topics you are interested in!
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Mineral Management Software
How to Find Missing Royalties / Royalties In Suspense?
- MRP 10: How to Perform a Title Search
- MRP 103: How to Find Out if You Have Unclaimed Royalties
- Grayson County TX Records Search
Oil and Gas Leasing Tips
- MRP 6: How to Negotiate an Oil and Gas Lease
- MRP 180: Practical Tips With Landman and Mineral Manager Jimmy Wright
- MRP 137: Seismic Exploration Agreements
Interested in Investing in Minerals and Royalties?
- MRP 126: Deep Dive on Investing in Mineral Rights, Royalties, and Working Interests
- MRP 128: Investing in Minerals and Royalties with Jarrett Kitch
- MRP 159: Guide to Buying Mineral Rights
- MRP 160: Strategies for Investing in Mineral Rights
Mineral Rights Education
- MRP 120: Listener Stories – Mineral Owner Barb Rankin (Features Curated List of Resources if you are getting started)
- Mineral Rights Podcast Academy (Coming Soon!)
Thanks for Listening!
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- Leave a comment or question below (we read each one and your question may be featured in a future episode)!
- Ask a question or leave us feedback via email or voicemail: (720) 580-2088.
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- Leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts – we read each one and greatly appreciate it. Plus, you can get a shout out on a future episode!
Thanks again – until next time!
Very interested in learning about the classes you mentioned in this podcast.
You can go to and enter your email address to subscribe to my newsletter to be notified as soon as it is live. I am targeting late spring/early summer to have it ready to go. Thanks!