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MRP 51: Mineral Rights News April 2020

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I hope everyone listening is well in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this month’s Mineral Rights Podcast news episode for April 2020 we have a couple of stories with a positive outlook (for a change!). In case you missed it, to learn more about the recent drop in crude oil prices, listen to Episode 48: The Secrets Behind the Recent Drop in Crude Oil Price.

Justin Williams joins me to provide the individual mineral owner perspective and we discuss our respective takes on each story to help you keep tabs on the latest happenings in the world of minerals and royalties.

Please reach out and let me know if you come across any interesting articles that you would like us to talk about in an upcoming episode, please send it to  Thanks! – Matt.

Using the embedded player above, you can download the episode to your computer or listen to it here!  Be sure to also subscribe on iTunes!

This Month’s Articles:

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Thanks again – until next time!

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