You are currently viewing MRP 248:  How to Find Oil, Gas (& Lithium) Info for Arkansas

MRP 248: How to Find Oil, Gas (& Lithium) Info for Arkansas

In this episode we show you how to find oil & gas (& lithium) info using the Arkansas Oil & Gas Commission website.  As before, we walk step-by-step how to find your minerals or royalties on a map to determine if you should be getting paid on a well. We also show you how to download important documents related to your wells, how to see how much oil & gas was produced in a given month, how to find out if there is potential for Lithium production, and more. This assumes you already know your legal description and the type of oil & gas interests you own.

If you would like to learn more about the topics covered in this episode as well as the different types of mineral and leasehold interests, from how to read a legal description, how to perform a title search, and how to identify nearby oil and gas activity, be sure to check out my Mineral Management Basics Online Course.

If you have a question about your minerals or royalties or if you have a state website you’d like us to cover, just email!

If you own minerals & royalties in Arkansas and have ever wondered if you might benefit from the Lithium boom, this is a must listen (and watch – be sure to check out the accompanying YouTube video below):

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